Time time time…..

Never enough of it I’m thinking…..this is a long long read…..

Stretching the mozzarella…….

My last post – I promised to do a series related to farming/livestock/ etc, using questions I get asked often. I tried. I have a long winded first instalment in my drafts that I’ll likely pitch in the dust bin. I don’t like it. To me….it comes across as preachy. Or uppity. Which is not what I’m aiming for. So bye bye to that effort with no regrets. Might take a stab at it another time.

This summer has been incredibly hectic – it seems I’ve almost managed to nail down the fine art of multi-tasking (at the moment I’m making cheese, blanching and freezing beans, trying to write a post without things going haywire – but hey – I love a challenge ๐Ÿ˜‚). Those of you who have faithfully followed my blog know that I made an effort over the last year or so to slooowww down. Two problems. One, things don’t get done. Two, I simply can’t function at that pace. For whatever reason – I need to be busy – so – busy I am. ๐Ÿ™ƒ

The little white things in the middle – eggs

There is something to be said for being at home – this year has been pretty successful on the farm – it has been in the past, but not without a lot of reactive scrambling. I have had the opportunity to stay on top of the work load. The freezers are filling up, the garden is thriving, the canning shelves aren’t looking so bare. But to be honest- I’ve simply traded one workload for another – I easily spend a solid eight or more hours a day ‘farming’ instead of working for a paycheck. Does it financially balance out? Yes and no. Our off farm expenditures are extremely low, but there are some nonetheless. I don’t necessarily have to go back to work – but if I’m being realistic- I probably should – find something part time. Yes. I’m going to be picky.

Sometimes I have spare time!

This year the planets seemed to align in better than usual fashion. We raised two weaner pigs at the same time both cows were milking – result? Grain bill cut by easily a third or more because of the gallons of whey from my cheesemaking (and a few failed attempt cheeses – more on that later). Other result? They were slaughter weight a month early. This wasn’t necessarily a good thing – where we live, there is a very limited choice in slaughter facilities. When we get our weaners – the second their feet hit the pen floor we are on the phone scheduling a date for them to be processed – they are that busy. Why does it matter when they’re ready? For one, there comes a point where your pigs are gaining more fat than meat. Two – there comes a point where the pigs are too large for the scalder – which means they have to be skinned – which means I lose out on the fat, the skin on the ham….etc. Very fortunately for us – because we’ve been loyal to the same facility, and because that planetary alignment thing was going on – they gave us a new date a month early. Note for next year – if cows are milking, schedule an earlier date. Yes – we can do our own pigs, and have – but that old familiar time crunch dictated they get trailered to the slaughterhouse.

This year, we bought no new laying hens. Our closest hatchery that sells to small scale farmers – was bought out by another years ago. Changes continue to be made. They won’t ship less than 25 birds (warmth issue) which is fine, we’ve alway ordered 25, but split 15/10 meat birds to layers. This year, the hatch dates weren’t the same. We could have 25 of one or 25 of the other. We settled on 25 meat birds….My daughter generously offered to take time off work, help process and happily take more home than the usual few I pop into a cooler when she visits.

Now any of you who have processed chicken – will likely agree – there’s a definite ‘eewww’ factor involved. My daughter, not having a chance to be here for processing prior to this year – was forewarned – “you’re gonna taste raw chicken” I said “- it’s absorbed through your hands”. She came through with flying colours til near the end – when she could ‘taste raw chicken’ ๐Ÿคข. I suggested to her – to do what I do every year. Cook a chicken the minute you have a chance and you’ll get past the ‘eewww’ factor. I always yank one out of the ice water the following morning and smack it into a pan, truss it up and stuff it into the oven…..as many chickens as I’ve processed – it’s how I get past the ‘ick’ ๐Ÿค”. The smallest of the bunch – five pounds. The largest – eleven pounds (larger than I like). Weeks before slaughter date some of the roosters were actually crowing. Considering we do them between 12 and 16 weeks old – you gotta know how genetically messed with those birds are. We have tried raising ‘dual purpose’ birds – laying breeds that will theoretically give you a decent amount of meat in several months instead of several weeks. I have had no luck with those breeds – always end up with a ‘tired and tough stewing’ bird. Genetically messed with birds it is.

We have found a new ‘firewood guy’ – they’re getting harder to come by – guys that bring decent sized wood and bring an actual cord. I’m more than happy to be paying for wood this year. It’s all about the ‘time’ factor again. We do have our saws ready, and have done some brief scouting in the mountains- this weekend we’re going to check on a new logging road being pushed through that we discovered a few weeks ago. It’s muddy, and it’s narrow – I’m hoping they’ve bulldozed a few spots where you can get off the road and park. At last check, as much standing dead trees as we could see to knock down – there simply isn’t a place to be off the road to fall and cut. We do not want to be parked on an active logging road – it’s a quick way to be dead should a logging truck be sliding down the mountain with a full load of logs. In the meantime – wood guy is doing the same – while managing to bring a couple of cords a week and still get some to his other customers.

The gardens – after a slow cold and wet start this year….are producing like mad. In an effort to ‘work smarter not harder’ I have again changed what I’m growing. This year we tore down the old small greenhouse and I kaiboshed the salad greens, the peppers, and the few tomatoes I bothered with. The herbs got stuffed into a small bed outside to sink or swim, the cukes got jammed into pots and are oddly enough, producing. In place of the greenhouse, we built a large calf shelter – we will be over wintering both steers born on the farm, and as the girls are still milking and will be for some time – we needed to keep them separated from mommas – who think any time is a good time to feed a calf, whether he be 500 pounds or not ๐Ÿ™„.

I don’t miss the greenhouse – aside from my dry beans (which will not survive frosts outside) I never considered it very productive. I can foresee a much bigger greenhouse at some point in the future, but some planning needs to be done. If I have a greenhouse, I need one with enough room to produce produce produce. Things around here need to make sense, give me a return. Outside, I stuck with broccoli, beans, carrots, onions, potatoes for the rest of it. In other words – things I know will grow, and things we eat. Tons of kale – but that’s for the layers – I can’t make kale taste good in my house for no amount of effort.

Bees bees ๐Ÿ into my second season now….I’m more comfortable making decisions and living with the consequences than I was last year. I decided not to purchase a second package of bees – rather I figured I would split the colony I have and let them raise their own queen. Because I’m more inclined to be proactive rather than reactive, I waited only long enough to see eight frames of brood before splitting. No, the actual population wasn’t in danger of swarming – but we have a short season and I figured sooner rather than later.

I’ve never seen my queen (and yes I’ve looked carefully and I’ve taken pictures and stared at them frame by frame). I know I have a queen because I see eggs. Simple. Now when I split – I simply split, walked back out there in four days – the split with the eggs told me where the queen was. Then things kind of run amok – ish. The queenless hive seemed disinclined to make a queen (they had eggs) – they made a half hearted effort, built some cells, took them down – until there were no eggs left to work with. Of course a queenless hive is a shrinking hive – still, the bees remained industrious and continued to pack in the nectar until had they made a queen they’d have had to move a lot of honey (or I would have had to give her some frames). I had concerns I’d end up with drone laying workers, but the girls stayed the course and simply foraged. I finally swiped a frame of brood from the queenright hive and hoped they’d have another try. They did – I found a beautiful capped cell July 12, left things alone until August 7 and voila! Eggs and capped brood. Late, I know- but happy camper I am. I really didn’t want to recombine – though I would have had the second try at a queen failed. I think they will be populous enough to make the winter, and I’m leaving the honey behind. I’m happy with the results – I belong to the local bee club and some Beekeepers had queen failures this year, some had swarms…..I probably am in possession of some beginners luck. Next year I hope to split again.

I’ve no intention of selling any honey, rather I am approaching this bee project as just that – a project I expect to take a few years before I’m satisfied with the results. Everything here is considered a long term effort….the milk cows, the bees, same thing to me. Put in the time, do your homework and you’ll see a good result. It’s funny, I did not get bees to ‘save the bees’ as is popular these days. I got bees because I don’t want to buy honey – yet I’ve quite unexpectedly found myself absolutely fascinated with them.

Queen cell

Cows and cheese and butter and milk and cows and cheese……

I never posted about this – the reason we have two cows. After our Daisy had her last calf (late 2017), she lost weight. As in a tremendous amount of weight. Did not bounce back no matter how many groceries we poured into her. Of course we called the vet out. We weaned the calf off. We quit milking. The vet did tests, more tests – finally called with some results. Anemic. Uber high fibrinogen levels. Chronic infection of some sort. Long and short – she was pretty certain Daisy had cancer – but that was as close as she could come to a diagnosis.

Even good farmers lose livestock. Predation. Illness. Freak accidents. Didn’t make us feel any better about it…..I stood leaning on the fence watching Daisy do what Daisy always does….slowly march across the field hoovering up grass, head down. Content. Just painfully thin.

“Let’s” I said to Bruce “just let her be a cow for the summer. As long as food and water are going in one end, and ultimately coming out the other, as long as her personality stays the same, she’s not showing signs of being painful….if any of that changes, we’ll do what we have to do – and let’s hope she gains some weight’.

So. We bought another pregnant jersey heifer. She came to us at fourteen months old, off of community pasture – Bruce set about the long road of training her to be a friendly well mannered milk cow.

Come fall, Daisy – unbelievably, looked like a million dollar cow. We sent her off to be bred – you can’t have a cow as a pet only. It’s the reality of it.

cheddar in various stages of drying

That’s why we have two milk cows. They have both had healthy calves, they both are in prime physical condition, both healthy….we have no clue what the problem with Daisy was. Maybe burn out. Maybe calories in calories out weren’t balancing properly that year. I suppose it would make sense to sell one – two of us don’t need eight plus gallons of milk a day. But the thing is – you get attached to these animals, and you can’t imagine sending them off with a stranger for no amount of money.

Trying to put a positive spin on things….I have discovered there is an advantage to having that much milk on hand. For as long as we only had one cow, I was much disinclined to experiment with my cheese making. When the milk coming in the door is finite – you really don’t want to have a batch end up in the bin. Therefore I’ve always stuck with the quick simple can’t mess it up cheeses. Cream cheese, a quick pressed farm cheese that slices, shreds, melts but has little in flavour, ricotta…..mozzarella. This year, first calf on the ground – I started much the same way. Second calf on the ground I realized that I was going to have to jump in with both feet – small batch cheese making is an exercise in futility when you have that much milk coming in the door every day.

Bruce, quite rightly understood that no amount of ‘I love you honey’s’ was going to get him any cheese with that kind of volume coming in the door if I had to stand in front of a wood cook stove all summer to make it. We now have a nice propane stove in the kitchen. I went to a commercial kitchen supply store and bought a stainless pot that holds six gallons of milk (yes it’s bloody heavy when full) and some commercial utensils that actually reach the bottom of the pot.

So without putting everybody to sleep (I hope), I have – I think – finally hit my stride. Things I have learned? All cheese recipes are designed for pasteurized milk – I have raw milk – yes there are differences. All cheese recipes are written for two or less gallons of milk – I want to use a minimum of six (couldn’t find a bigger pot ๐Ÿ˜†, nor could I probably lift a bigger pot). None of my cheese starter/culture/rennet suppliers have a standardized system of use or labelling. Some sell premeasured packets, some sell large vat inoculations with instructions you have to calculate down to six gallon batches. They all have different names for the stuff. All cheese recipes call for single strength rennet – I can only buy double strength …. you get the picture. As an example – to ‘ripen’ six gallons, I can use a quart and a half of buttermilk or 1/4 teaspoon of choozit4001 or three packages of C101 and accomplish the same thing. Or – I could use none of it – raw milk will naturally ripen – but because lactation curves/available forage/time of year……its easier to simply add the culture and level the playing field. In a nod to the fact I’m using raw milk, I leave three gallons out overnight to ripen, and add three gallons from the fridge the next day – but still use the culture.

Some waxed, some coated with an anti-microbial coating, some drying

None of these things are all that critical when you’re only making a couple of pounds of cream cheese say, or ten batches of ricotta (for which you only need household vinegar). But when you finally get the nerve to get on the cheddar train – all bets are off.

The first attempt – I used an online recipe for ‘cheese making in the 1800’s’ or something like that. I don’t have a ‘cheese cave’ or anything close to a controlled environment for aging. This recipe promised a shelf aged Cheddar like grate-able cheese that could simply live on a salted shelf. Well I suppose it could have…..but after a week it was more of a door stop than anything resembling cheese – I would have had to use an axe to break through it. That effort got marched out to the dogs – I mean their canines can crush bones right?

My second attempt using an online ‘home recipe’ turned into a rather sad thick rined effort that was obviously not going to turn into anything decently edible. That – got marched out to the pigs ‘heeerre piggy piggies!’

Third batch from ‘New England Cheesemaking’ – I carefully wrote down every convoluted detailed step. I’m now on a mission – I get to the ‘break the curd mass into walnut sized pieces and salt at a rate of….’ and found myself trying to tear up something with the remarkable consistency of a tire. Goodyear should have stopped by – I would have shared the invention. I gamely plowed on and got it into the press – knowing it would likely not knit together. It didn’t. ‘Heeerre piggy piggies!’

You now know the advantage to having two cows. In three days I have pitched out the door – eighteen gallons of milk. The pigs are happy, me – not so much. But no worries – I’ll have six more gallons to throw out tomorrow! ๐Ÿคช

I’ve always said – cheesemaking is a carefully calculated series of serious food safety violations that result in a pretty tasty end product. But I’m starting to doubt that.

Try number four – Rodales Food Center – Stocking Up book (gifted to me at least thirty years ago by a good friend). A recipe called ‘Dave’s Cheese’ presumably created by a guy named Dave…..

Okay jackpot. It works. It works the same every single time I make it. Every. Single. Time. Now I can make one of these a day – but I don’t – sometimes I stand at the stove and make batch after batch of ricotta because I’m tired of standing at the stove and making batch after batch of cheddar. Mostly I get tired of standing at the sink washing up the jars and the pots and the churn and and….but it’s nice to be able to waltz past the dairy section in the grocery store and not have to buy any dairy.

Five days in on a blue cheese

Of course now that I’ve cracked the cheddar code – I’m moving along – blue cheese. I can see many of you cringing ๐Ÿ˜– and some of you wondering exactly where I live so you can come try it. I happen to love the stuff – and well, it’s another way to use up six gallons of milk. I’ve managed to create a mini aging/high humidity setup by using a large plastic tote and changing out bowls of warm water twice a day. Blue cheese needs 95% humidity. Oddly – this has turned out to be easier than cheddar. Next up? Probably Parmesan – I’ll let you know. ๐Ÿ˜Š

Well – butter ๐Ÿ˜Š

Butter – butter is easy. Until you decide you’re tired of scooping two cows worth of cream a day off of the milk with a spoon and finally cave in a score a really well priced solid old cream separator. And then remember you have Jersey cows – who happily produce cream you can almost spread with a butter knife. It is suggested that for Jersey milk, you remove one of the cones from the separator. I did. The cream stays liquid (ish) until you refrigerate it. I put cream in cream bottles for my coffee – to get it into my coffee I now have to stand there smacking the bottom of the bottle like its ketchup. First world problem I know….

When I make butter, I simply toss the cream in the churn, plug it in and walk away. It’s done when the churn grinds to a halt – Jersey cream. When I churn cream from the milk I’ve run through the separator- the churn grinds to a halt in half the time – and I’m left with a mass of butter coated with cream it can’t incorporate.

It’s like mixing up a batch of concrete with the right ratios – then at the last minute pitching in an extra bag of Portland. Or trying to add four extra cups of flour to a batch of bread (trying to create a visual here ๐Ÿ˜‰).

I suppose I could add some milk to the cream….but that kind of negates the purpose of the cream separator….or I could go back to scooping the cream off with a spoon. Which I’ve done. I need to think on it some more.

Technically, I only traded one job for another….scoop cream or dismantle and wash the separator. Bruce has done the same by scoring a used surge milker that only needed a small repair. He is not in from the barn any sooner – by the time he’s run the sanitizer through the equipment after milking, he’s used up the same amount of time as he would have spent hand milking. Still – what exactly would we do with our time if we didn’t have cows?

Now some of you are wondering – what in the ever loving hell do you need all that cheese and butter for?

Commercial dairy cows are bred back within a few months (or sooner) after calving. They get a two month ‘dry up’ before they drop another calf and start putting into the system again. Many commercial dairy cows are ‘out of the system’ in less than three cycles. Our cows are not machines….we might have them bred this October for a June calf (they will be dried up come December/January, or we might wait until next March and have them bred. So come December/January the milk train stops. All I can stock up until then will get us through until they milk again ๐Ÿ˜Š.

So there you have it – from the files of ‘what have I been up to…

I’ll touch base again when I have something new to report ๐Ÿ˜Š

About valbjerke

Farmer, Transmission Rebuilder, Self Sufficiency Nut. Like the old school way of doing things. "Fast is fine - accuracy is final" (quote by some way back famous gun-slinger - likely just before he got shot dead)
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43 Responses to Time time time…..

  1. mountaingmom says:

    I’m in the “I want to live near you and sample” court. We have a local farm making cheddar, mozzarella, Parmesan, and a cow milk feta, but it is pricey at the Farmers’ Market. I learned to make mozzarella a few years ago, but getting milk that isn’t ultrapasteurized is difficult. You legally can’t buy raw milk in Virginia for human consumption and I am not of an age to start raising and milking cows. There is a dairy about an hour and a half from here that sells pasteurized milk in glass bottles at the local grocery chain and I have had some success making Mozzarella with it. Love your posts.

    • valbjerke says:

      Thanks! Yes raw milk is illegal to sell in Canada as well…..BC (where I live) has taken the extra step of also declaring it a hazardous substance ๐Ÿ™„. Steep fines/jail time if you get caught even giving it away. ๐Ÿ˜Š

  2. DM says:

    Love that you cracked the cheddar code! I hear you. Felt that same rush when I was able to finally consistently make home made yogurt every time (and it really did come down to paying attention to details. I did everything wrong @ least once before I finally figured that out….And what you said about the bees… I’ve had that same experience “โ€“ unexpectedly found myself absolutely fascinated with them.” me too! Heck, I had multiple people, for several years tell me either I needed to get bees (for our orchard) or they could see me with bees..(to which I would think..nada..not feeling it. ๐Ÿ™‚ Then when a local community college offered an intro to bee keeping, and the neighbor and I took that 6 week class, I ever so gradually became interested…and at this point (going into winter #3 now) am looking forward to our first honey harvest. I too have the long term view..gradually keep increasing until we have 8 personal hives, sell honey if I feel like it, and make sure the bees have plenty for themselves to get through the winter. (I just made a couple of bee escape boards a week ago..) never heard of them before, someone mentioned them in passing..I looked them up, and thought, what the heck, a whole lot more bee friendly than a fume board or leaf blower when it comes time to harvest in a couple of weeks… You’re way ahead of me on the cheese making trail ๐Ÿ™‚ Well, I feel a nap coming on..still have several items on my saturday job list, but had a fruitful morning, so going to take a nap w/ no shame. Loved this update! DM

    • valbjerke says:

      I have bee escape boards ๐Ÿ˜Š they work well when youโ€™re pulling honey for sure. Iโ€™m aiming for four hives….after that will probably make nucโ€™s and sell them. Big demand for them up here. Yogurt!! Yes – I love home made yogurt – best of all I know whatโ€™s in it ๐Ÿ˜Š

  3. Oh my goodness – this is fantastic. Your cheese โ€˜caveโ€™ is wonderful. Tell me – how big do you grow your pigs – what is too big? Mine are definitely fatter this year and the restaurants want them big so I am in a bit of a conundrum- I have so much free feed!
    This was a great post!
    So wonderful.
    Love your beehive!

    • valbjerke says:

      Thanks!! We grow ours to between 225 lbs and 250 at the outside – live – which takes about six months (five this year). We have found after that size they grow….but mostly add fat. I render all my fat for lard….but I donโ€™t want a ton of it. The kidney fat in particular- makes the most stellar pastry lard. ๐Ÿ˜Š

  4. Pat says:

    Always a hoot reading how your life is going. Where on earth do you get your energy girl and you should bottle it cause you’d make a million!! BTW the quote in your “About”‘ is from Wyatt Earp. ๐Ÿ™‚

    • valbjerke says:

      And thanks for the Stocking Up Book!! (Or should I say many many pages held together with a rubber band – itโ€™s well used ๐Ÿ˜). Good to hear from you.

  5. pgraysurvival says:

    SIT ! Put your feet up, and breath.
    Not only because you deserve a rest but you’ve exhausted me with your workload and all I’m doing is reading about yours!

    Unlike you cheese experts, all I can make is powered milk cheese.
    I’ve tried, gone through a bottle or two of rennet and quarts of whole milk, and zilch comes out.
    Well not exactly nothing but as for edible? Bring on the lemons and powered milk.
    Thus SWMBO has to buy that gunk supermarkets sell and wrongly label cheese.

    But it’s them bees I’m lovingly looking at.
    I love wild honey but the only nest around here is a ground bees hole ( is the hole in the ground one called a hive? ) and there is no way in hell am I going to dig that up before the snows arrive.
    Stupid I may be regarding cheese but I do know how to avoid bee stings.

    After all that all I can say is “carry on” because I can’t wait to read chapter two. ๐Ÿ™‚

    • valbjerke says:

      Iโ€™m sitting! ๐Ÿ˜€. I always call the bees a โ€˜colonyโ€™ and the box I keep them in a โ€˜hiveโ€™. Many many types of bees/pollinators live in the ground….including bumble bees – but they donโ€™t over winter (the queen does and starts over next year) therefore they donโ€™t store honey.

  6. Being as your posts stir up so much to say, Iโ€™m going to flick out a comment as it occurs… Looking at that laying pattern and wondering โ€œhow old is your Queen?โ€

  7. LOVE the โ€˜paint jobโ€!!!

  8. Wow, youโ€™ve got some really interesting, distinctly BLACK & yellow Girls there Val! And guessing they get it from
    mom – Rows 9-12 – if Iโ€™m seeing things properly?

  9. Re โ€˜seeingโ€™ your Queen… Her wings are shorter than everyone elseโ€™s: ) but because of her colouration, she has great camo and definitely harder to spot… ; )

    • So, I took a screenshot and then put a circle around her… Do you have an email addy I can send it to by chance?

      • valbjerke says:

        Hi! Youโ€™re welcome to write as long a comment as you like ๐Ÿ˜
        So in order best I can…..my queen is two (or should I say, she came in a package last year – so who knows). Last year I was told she had a โ€˜spottyโ€™ brood pattern….this year sheโ€™s been doing much better. I actually have a much better picture of one of her frames – I can send it via email if you like (yes please send me the circled pic of my queen – and Iโ€™ll send a pic of a frame back). I donโ€™t have stinging nettle….I have whatโ€™s called โ€˜dead nettlesโ€™ and I havenโ€™t the faintest if it works as a coagulant or not? Yes – home made cheese tastes uniquely different (better I think). Youโ€™re right – I think the kidney fat would be called โ€˜leaf fatโ€™…..the leaf fat from my steers (tallow) – I use in soap making (and roll my eyes at the price of it in the store – as its suddenly very popular to cook with (paleo?).
        Thanks for your comments! ๐Ÿ˜Š

      • Thanks! But no, itโ€™s not that. I wind up going back and forth and either losing bits and pieces or having to open a note and write there. (Which leads to too much editing/ and futzing around:/) Far rather make a little observation with each paragraph or photo as they come along – as long as thatโ€™s all right with you, of course?

      • valbjerke says:

        Absolutely fine ๐Ÿ™‚

      • It is Stinging Nettle I was thinking of but; if you click on โ€œcurdling agentโ€ in Edible Uses a whole list of plants will show up: )
        Down the list a bit I noticed that THISTLES are also a substitute(!)

      • valbjerke says:

        Yes thistles work – I havenโ€™t any around here – thankfully, as they are quite invasive. Ladyโ€™s bedstraw Iโ€™ve been told works too – Iโ€™ve tried growing that with no success. I can actually buy โ€˜vegetableโ€™ rennet….but it comes with info letting you know that it doesnโ€™t set as firm a curd as calf rennet. At this point Iโ€™m a little leery of switching over.

  10. Geez Howdy Val! You still make exhausted just reading through your posts. And, one thing you didnโ€™t mention about the โ€˜whyโ€™ of DIY Dairy is THE TASTE; cause Iโ€™m sorry, there is NOTHING in this world that tastes the same. No way, not now or ever… xoD.

  11. And all of your cheese photos are so beautiful. Such BOUNTY!: )

  12. And more about your Queen… sheโ€™s facing straight up and down, facing away from the camera, third row down from the edge of open/egg cells; with a cluster of bees on pollen to her left thatโ€™s just a little larger than a Twoonie. All of her head and part of her thorax are tucked in underneath the right wing of another bee.

    • So, did that feeble attempt at a description help you to locate her?

      • valbjerke says:

        Yes! I think Iโ€™m โ€˜queen blindโ€™ ๐Ÿ˜‚ I should have painted her – but being new – at the time I thought it smarter to get her installed.

      • Totally agree! Her health & safety is always a wise move in my book; )

      • As so often happens when youโ€™re looking for something; the harder you look, the less likely youโ€™ll find what is youโ€™re looking for,lol

      • avwalters says:

        We are queen blind, too. Old eyes, I think. Rick says the problem is progressive lenses. The ‘sweet spot’ in that focal range is so small…and the damn queen keeps moving. In any event, we’re doing the same as you–splitting based on eggs, with success. As long as they have what they need, the bees figure it out.

      • valbjerke says:

        Good to know – Iโ€™ve gotten more that a few sideways looks when I said I split….I had two people offer me queens – but I really wanted the bees to make their own. One lady has tried two years in a row now to introduce varroa sensitive hybrid queens into her system – with no luck. Next year sheโ€™s going to do the same as she used to – let them make their own.

      • avwalters says:

        I use black foundation in my frames. The contrast makes is so that I can see eggs, perhaps if the damn queen would sit still, I could see her, too.

      • valbjerke says:

        ๐Ÿ˜‚ good luck with that!

  13. steveknife says:

    Great post, my wife and I have been there as you know. Had to laugh about the milk. Most people have no idea how much milk it is… every day

    • valbjerke says:

      That reminds me of the time my boss suggested I buy a freezer and freeze the milk….he thought heโ€™d come up with a great solution – until I pointed out the freezer would be full in a week ๐Ÿ˜‚

      • steveknife says:

        ๐Ÿ˜‚ people just donโ€™t understand whatโ€™s involved unless you have actually lived it. My wife laughed at the milk…she remembered giving dogs milk and chickens whey… many times they drank that and people said we had the tastiest eggs!
        We butchered chickens on occasions but another farm could butcher and freeze faster than we could so we used them.
        What I loved was the constant activity.. something going on all the time!

      • valbjerke says:

        Exactly – I lived off farm for several years – didnโ€™t like it. I need to be โ€˜doingโ€™ and I like to be able to be self sufficient.

      • DM says:

        100% me too! (Lived off the farm for several years, didn’t like it/ need to be doing AND be able to be self sufficient)

  14. avwalters says:

    Sure beats rebuilding transmissions. I am jealous of your experimentation and productivity. What you’re doing is what living is all about. We just finished the barn. The gardens are not so good this year–cool weather and illness gave us a late start. A late start gives the bugs a decided advantage. But we’re looking at a future with no major construction and lots to do. For right now, it’s wood-making season. We’ve pulled in three cords this week, with two more to go for our winter and then “advance” cutting to ensure that next year’s lot is well seasoned. Wonderful photos! Beautiful bees and gorgeous cheeses. I think ‘not working’ suits you–even if it’s a lot of hard work.

    • valbjerke says:

      Thanks ๐Ÿ™‚ Yeah our wood is a โ€˜little bitโ€™ behind….weโ€™ve had way more than the usual amount of rain and thereโ€™s no slipping around the mountains when itโ€™s raining. We go through about 11 cords a year – I like to have double that on hand but seldom do.
      Good to hear your barn is finished – I always find those big projects just make you behind in everything else no matter how organized you are. Nice to hear from you!

      • avwalters says:

        Will the new propane-enhanced cooking reduce the wood consumption? Ours is a small house, and well-insulated; we use less than four cords for a winter’s heat. (And Michigan is no slouch in the winter department.) With just touch-up on the barn left, I’ll be posting, soon.

      • valbjerke says:

        I wonโ€™t be using it in the winter….truly I can barely fry an egg on the thing – Iโ€™m very much used to being able to use the entire surface of the cook stove to heat the pots and pans. Even my pressure canners like the cook stove. As it will be on anyway all winter Iโ€™ll not be using the propane. Our wee house is only well insulated in the parts we have managed to work on – the attic itself – needs more. Keep in mind though – we use wood twelve months of the year (at least until I got the propane stove). I used to have a cookstove in my outside kitchen too. We also heat our barn with wood (itโ€™s nice for milking) ๐Ÿ˜Š. Looking forward to your next post.

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